Kovalam Paradise, Palms Wallpaper for Rooms, Green, Customised


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Bring the lush beauty of tropical paradise into your home with the Kovalam Paradise Palms Wallpaper for wall. The intricate design features


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Bring the lush beauty of tropical paradise into your home with the Kovalam Paradise Palms Wallpaper for wall. The intricate design features a variety of green palm fronds and leaves set against a calming green background, creating a serene and relaxing atmosphere. Perfect for bedroom walls, living rooms, and other spaces in need of a touch of natural elegance.


Paper Options
  • Soft feel paper: Its paper without texture, colors are clear and vibrant. Easy to clean with wet cloth for minor dust (do not use soap or chemicals).
  • Canvas texture paper: Premium paper with texture, colors are clear and give premium feel. Easy to clean with wet cloth for minor dust (do not use soap or chemicals).
  • Handmade paper: Premium paper with handmade paper texture feel, colors are clear and give subtle luxury feel. Easy to clean with dry cloth for minor dust (do not use soap or chemicals).

We utilize advanced Latex printing with water-based inks, ensuring non-toxicity and easy cleaning. Our materials are exclusively paper-based for a premium, easy-to-maintain, and high-quality design, avoiding glossy PVC/Vinyl/HD paper.


Quality & Installation

Once we’ve finished our quality checks, we carefully and securely pack your wallpaper in rigid cardboard tubes. We do not offer refunds on customized products (custom sized murals, custom designs). Any products or services with apparent defects caused by Saanvi Interiors Delhi will be replaced.

The wallpaper comes in panels ranging from 36-44 inches in width and must be placed systematically to create a seamless pattern.

Please note that these wallpapers require glue-based installation with overlap matching/cutting, and our website prices do not include installation services.

We partner with best installers in major cities who are trained to provide seamless installation. You may self-install, choose a local installer or go with a Saanvi Interiors Delhi recommend installer. Please note Saanvi Interiors Delhi is not responsible for the quality of installation.


Shipping Information

Please ensure that your shipping address correct before creating an order. Otherwise we don’t accept any responsibility for shipping issues that caused by wrong shipping address.

Shipping time in general could vary from 4 to 14 days. There is no refund or replacement in case of delays in shipping for up-to 4 weeks in India.

Dimensions 12 × 45 × 23 cm

Blue, Purple, Pink

3 reviews for Kovalam Paradise, Palms Wallpaper for Rooms, Green, Customised

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


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  2. Rated 4 out of 5


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  3. Rated 5 out of 5


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